Unsubscribe from all lists


I have a list of bounces and these email addresses are part of one or more lists. Is there a way I can upload the list of bouces and they are unsubscribed from all of the lists.

I have done that but I guess this would slow down the campaign if blacklist is too big. If we can simply unsubscribe them, the performance won't be impacted.
Its not about system setup. But there is one extra step involved. If my list consist of 1 million emails and my blacklist consist of 10k addresses then during campaign, all 1 million email would be checked against 10k addresses in blacklist.
So if I can simply unsubscribe then this step is not necessary. This is my understanding, may be wrong.
You need to upload all your Old bounced into Blacklist.

After that when you Import new data it will not import in that list.

I have a list of bounces and these email addresses are part of one or more lists. Is there a way I can upload the list of bouces and they are unsubscribed from all of the lists.

You can run the bad list against each good list, to clean the bad ones off the good ones, it is part of the list actions.

Its not about system setup. But there is one extra step involved. If my list consist of 1 million emails and my blacklist consist of 10k addresses then during campaign, all 1 million email would be checked against 10k addresses in blacklist.
So if I can simply unsubscribe then this step is not necessary.
That's right, a huge blacklist will slow down sending enormously, since each subscriber to be sent to is checked against the BL.
Ideally your BL contains only (tech) problem cases, complainers, exceptions, and the regex has the exclusions. But each check costs time and slows down, so ideally keep BL and regex minimal.
Those with confirmed opt-in (double opt-in) list rarely have this problem.
Otherwise, ideally do BL/exclusions by outside list management, to keep mwz focused on its mailer job (i.e. merging content, links, headers, timing, etc for the receiving MTAs), not filtering subscribers (which should be a process preceding mwz, in a way, it is a (contact management) CRM job)!
@frm.mwz I agree with the first part but not with last one. There should be a feature to mass unsubscribe the addresses in the list. Mailwizz takes care of asynchronous bounces but we regularly get a report for synchronous bounces from our SMTP server even if the list is opted-in. So let's say if I daily get a bounce report of 50 email addresses (if not thoudsands) should not I be able to mark those addresses as unsubscribed conveniently.

(Ref : https://support.socketlabs.com/inde...chronous-vs-asynchronous-failures-ndrsbounces)
You can run the bad list against each good list, to clean the bad ones off the good ones, it is part of the list actions.
I guess you are talking about "Bulk Action From Source", yes this is what I am looking to do but instead of doing this action against each list, there can be additionally doing it against all lists.
@frm.mwz I agree with the first part but not with last one. There should be a feature to mass unsubscribe the addresses in the list. Mailwizz takes care of asynchronous bounces but we regularly get a report for synchronous bounces from our SMTP server even if the list is opted-in. So let's say if I daily get a bounce report of 50 email addresses (if not thoudsands) should not I be able to mark those addresses as unsubscribed conveniently.

(Ref : https://support.socketlabs.com/inde...chronous-vs-asynchronous-failures-ndrsbounces)
I guess you are talking about "Bulk Action From Source", yes this is what I am looking to do but instead of doing this action against each list, there can be additionally doing it against all lists.

Yes, this would be good to have.