Unsubscribe Page


On the Unsubscribe page where subscribers can click "unsubscribe" and be redirected to a field to place their email which will unsubscribe them.

How can I remove branding for just that page?

Remove the logo
On the Unsubscribe page where subscribers can click "unsubscribe" and be redirected to a field to place their email which will unsubscribe them.

How can I remove branding for just that page?

Remove the logo
In your browser, inspect the element (e.g. of that logo)
and you will know where to find it.
Then you can edit the code to your liking.
@Marty - Have you tried from Backend > Settings > Cuztomizations > Frontend logo/text ?
@frm.mwz - keep in mind that not all people are coders, sometimes the solution can be provided by the app itself ;)