Update problem !!


New Member

Update problem from version v. to version v.

I tried to do the update 4 times, every time I went on a blank page with no access to admin panel.

I am sending the update via FTP, I indicate in the address bar of the browser the command line to launch the update & boom blank page!

What is the problem ??

use SSH (for example with putty)

crontab -l can help you to have your php and apps folder and follow the link upside.
@Alain - don't put that command in a cron, come on...
Here's the thing, the upgrade from the web interface works just fine, i know i updated lots of apps without issues.
Thing is it works fine when your database is small. If your database is large, there's the possibility the browser timeout during the upgrade because it takes too much time to upgrade the database and because of this you end up with a broken app. In this case, the solution is to upgrade from command line, and it's fine if you don't know how, just get someone who does to do it for you.
There are several problems you know & the diffcult is amplified for me ...

1- The understanding of the language (I am French)
2- Understanding this command line history that I do not understand what needs to be done
3- The fact that having translated to 90% the application in French, to make a new installation would make me lose all the work previously realized

Now you say that someone can do it for me - WHO ?? Free ??

For the moment nothing new & I'm still with version
If you have translated using the translation files, you will not lose any of the translations. If you on the other hand, like some dude did just a month ago or so, translate the source code directly then you are in deep shit.
The source code of the application files has not been translated.
Translations were only made with the files allowed for translation and via the corresponding paths of the application - IE: apps/common/messages/en/
Here apps/common/messages/en/ TO apps/common/messages/fr/
@Alain - You can at any time create a .zip archive from the fr folder and reinstall it in new version of the app, however, that's not the point.
Let's try this, you say you get a blank page when u try to access the admin, my hunch is because your ftp client did not copied all the files, so let's do this, go to the white page in your browser, then open your ftp client and enable debug like shown here: https://kb.mailwizz.com/articles/enable-debugging/ then after this, reload your white page in browser. Now you should get a message. Print screen it and show it here.
The source code of the application files has not been translated.
Translations were only made with the files allowed for translation and via the corresponding paths of the application - IE: apps/common/messages/en/
Here apps/common/messages/en/ TO apps/common/messages/fr/

Ok, good, so you have done it by the book. You do't need to worry about losing your translations unless you delete the files of course.
@Alain - You can at any time create a .zip archive from the fr folder and reinstall it in new version of the app, however, that's not the point.
Let's try this, you say you get a blank page when u try to access the admin, my hunch is because your ftp client did not copied all the files, so let's do this, go to the white page in your browser, then open your ftp client and enable debug like shown here: https://kb.mailwizz.com/articles/enable-debugging/ then after this, reload your white page in browser. Now you should get a message. Print screen it and show it here.


Well that is what has been done :

Update files and folders even if it was already the first 4 times with my ftp client.

Change the file: apps/init.php with the line of code: define ('MW_FORCE_DEBUG_MODE', true);

Calling the update via the browser (google chrome) and displaying an error message :

Fatal error: Can not override final method ExtensionInit :: runQueriesFromSqlFile () in /home/alaindan/public_html/inscris-moi.fr/ema/apps/extensions/support-tickets/SupportTicketsExt.php on line 33

Error apparently from the support ticket extension extension provided by yourself and used for several months.

For now I'm here, I'm waiting for your instructions ...
Fatal error: Can not override final method ExtensionInit :: runQueriesFromSqlFile () in /home/alaindan/public_html/inscris-moi.fr/ema/apps/extensions/support-tickets/SupportTicketsExt.php on line 33
Delete the folder /home/alaindan/public_html/inscris-moi.fr/ema/apps/extensions/support-tickets/ then refresh the page, this time the updater will work. After you finish the update, go to envato, download the support extension once again and upload it, everything will work just fine.
Delete the folder /home/alaindan/public_html/inscris-moi.fr/ema/apps/extensions/support-tickets/ then refresh the page, this time the updater will work. After you finish the update, go to envato, download the support extension once again and upload it, everything will work just fine.

Georges several things ...

1- Support folder deleted and updated successfully.
2- Concerning the extension support ticket for mailwizz is that an update has been made since the version I own ??
3- Because I tried to install the extension again, and new problem with an error page.
4- If an update to the support ticket extension has been completed, I do not have this update.
I remind you that I paid for this extension via the various contacts we had together: https://www.mailwizz.com/customer/tickets/view/id/645
Please see the post by Alain Daniel (customer) on 2/4/15 11:58 AM
5- If you have an update available please send me the link corresponding to: produits.numeriques@orange.fr
Yes, you should be able to download it from codecayon once again.

I CAN NOT download the new version of the support ticket extension from codecanyon downloads!

At the time, I had paid you by paypal following our conversation on: https://www.mailwizz.com/customer/tickets/view/id/645

Please Read Post : Posted by Alain Daniel(customer) on 2/4/15 11:58 AM -
Posted by Serban George Cristian(staff) on 1/27/15 11:10 AM

At the time you sent me the download link via dropbox.com
Well, here's a deal that ends well after xx adventures.

Thanks to Georges & all those who wanted to help me ;)

The application is now up to date, the support ticket extension installed correctly.