Using multiple SMTP servers


Which im trying to achieve is rotate servers

Is it possible, if i have 2 mailservers and both has ip-rotations enabled.
And when i make campaing and choose both servers as delivery server.
And i will give both delivery servers with the same probability %
So it will then rotate servers and ip's ?

Is there any negative effects if servers rotate also,
maybe slower sending or maybe even faster ?

Then i just add second DKIM to my domain and im ready to go
As I understand rotate IP is server-side function.
But I think you can rotate servers by setting "1" in mailwizz->Settings->Cron->Change server at.
So each email mailwizz will send via different smtp servers, one by one.

As I've tested mailwizz connect to smtp server for each email one by one, not parallel connection, so rotation won't make big sense for speed up or speed down. Of course there are open questions about dns, latency, local settings of delay\query on smtp servers.
Thanks for fast reply :)
Oh nice there is feature Cron job for changing server, it will be good solution for me
Didn't notice this feature, need to read entire documentation so this wont happen again :)
Yes IP rotation is server side function ( centOS postfix )
@twisted1919 I tested this in 1.4.9 set to "1" in mailwizz->Settings->Cron->Change but still I'm getting all emails mailed from 1 domain rather than 4 which was equal to a total number of people in the list that I used.

Is it a bug or I'm doing something wrong?
Not sure, but looks like your issue could be to do with Change Server Setting at 1. If you're sending to 100 subscribers at once, there's no way the software can change the server every 1 email. Either try changing to send to 1 subscriber at once (could go very slow) or change the Change Server Setting to 100 and see if that solves it.
Change server at * was 200 from the start so that's why I changed it to 1 when I found this thread, but it didn't work.
Just tried a small list of 3 with send to 1 subscribers and change server at 1still the same result.

@Michael Wilding @twisted1919 any ideas how to force change server every email?
Try setting your send to subscribers at once to one and see if that makes a difference. Also turn of your CRON that sends the campaigns and run in debug mode from SSH like this

Then you'll be able to see the server ID for each email going out. See if it changes.

Silly suggestion, but also try sending from each server ID without rotation first and make sure both are working fine.
OK problem solved for anyone looking for this go here as well to make it work /backend/settings/customers/campaigns

@twisted1919 What's the point of having same settings in cron and in campaigns for customers? I don't really see a point since they do exactly the same thing and you can only email from customer end
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OK problem solved for anyone looking for this go here as well to make it work /backend/settings/customers/campaigns

@twisted1919 What's the point of having same settings in cron and in campaigns for customers? I don't really see a point since they do exactly the same thing and you can only email from customer end
You also have them in customer group ;)
yes that's what I said and that's why I asked why it's in 2 different places if settings are the same
That is why I mentioned "customer group", as it is in three places, cron, customer, and customer group.
You can imagine that settings are system wide (cron), and then good to override for with some settings customers, and if you have customer groups, you can go override general customer with even more dedicated group settings.
Settings are only the same if you make them the same, so feel free to change them as you wish and see what happens on your system ;)
@frm.mwz that's what I exactly thought when I had this fun time in Cron settings and honestly, I don't get it why this setting doesn't override everything else.
@frm.mwz that's what I exactly thought when I had this fun time in Cron settings and honestly, I don't get it why this setting doesn't override everything else.
If you read/observe closely you can find, that cron is system wide, then customer overrides cron partially, then group overrides customer partially:
customer group > customer > cron