What do I need?


New Member
Okay, so I hope someone can help me out. I've never done this before.

I got mailwizz + hosting + domain + mandrill smtp.
Now, do I need vps hosting? Or can shared do?

If someone can explain this to me. I saw in few threads that if you want to send more than 500 emails an hour, you need VPS. But, why does this matter? Doesnt smtp send email, not the host? I just want to understand how this works.

Thank you. :)
Hello Miqro,

You need a VPS to host mailwizz.

Ofcourse, mail is sent by SMTP - Mandrill.

But generally shared hosting not allow to host.

Let me know if you need VPS and setup mailwizz with mandrill on it.
Miqro was saying that, you sit infront of me via Teamviewer and Install his VPS - Install all LAMP, Cron, Email smtp and all, so he can see what Im doing with his server as he don't have trust. He do not want to provide his ROOT access as he have bad experience in past with someone else and spam his vps.

I also explained him you purchase cpanel from lenode and they may be install it on your VPS and I will do free mailwizz install for you via Teamviewer.